Rafa Lopez


Welcome to my beermats website. My name is Rafa Lopez, from Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona - Spain). I collect beermats (only beer) since 1997.

I invite you to visit this web and, if you are interested in some of my doubles, write me as soon as posible!!!!


Bienvenidos a mi página de posavasos. Mi nombre es Rafa López, vivo en Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona). Desde 1997 colecciono posavasos de cerveza.

Te invito a visitar esta web y, si encuentras posavasos que te interesen, ya tardas en escribirme!!!


Benvinguts a la meva pàgina de sotagots. El meu nom és Rafa López, visc a Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona). Des de 1997 col·lecciono sotagots de cervesa.

Et convido a visitar aquesta web i, si trobes sotagots que t'interessin, escriu-me si us plau!!! 



Last update June 2, 2024



June 2, 2024
3 months after my last update, more than 300 coasters, but almost no international changes, just a lot of news from Spain.

Cheers and good summer!

March 7, 2024
First update of the year! +370 new beermats in my collection, a lot of them, exotics countries. Very, very happy!

Dec 31, 2023
last update of the year! A great year, where I have surpassed my record for new coasters in one year, more than 3000!

Considering what I'm normally looking for, that's a lot of work.

I wish you a good year 2024 for you and your collections! See you at the bars!

Nov 2, 2023
Almost 4 months without updating the website! But wow 4 months! 955 new coasters, although "only" 55 Spanish, the rest from good countries!

On Saturday my club meeting, CELCE, in Barcelona, but I will be at the Hoegaarden meeting!!
July 23, 2023
The holidays are here but I don't want to leave without leaving this year's third update.

+255 new coasters these 2 months, many Spanish and a new country in my collection, Jordania. Very happy.
May 7, 2023
Second update of the year and we continue to add good coasters to my collection. Thanks to everyone who makes it possible!

March 11, 2023
First update of the year and very happy to add a new country to my collection, Guinea Conakry.

I am increasingly focused on my collection from Spain but I have been able to add 235 coasters from 31 different countries in these two months.

December 30, 2022
Another year that ends! another good year for my collection, with more than 2000 new coasters! very happy.

This latest update, with almost 900 from 36 different countries.

I wish you all a good 2023!! in good health and many coasters